Davide Ascoli

Davide Ascoli

Associate professor, Chair of Fire Management, Chair of Forest Measurements

Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA), University of Turin, Italy

Main research lines: (i) forest ecology and disturbances with particular attention to wildfires in Alpine, Temperate and Mediterranean ecosystems; (ii) planning, design, and evaluation of forestry for wildfire risk prevention with particular attention to pyrosylviculture and prescribed burning; (iii) characterization and modeling of forest fuels; (iv) development of tools for predicting fire danger and fire behavior; (v) development of guidelines for post-fire management.

  • Fuel and fire behavior modelling
  • Calibration and development of fire prediction systems
  • Post-fire management guidelines in European forests
  • PhD in Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, 2008

    University of Torino, Italy

  • Master Degree in Forest Sciences, 2004

    University of Torino, Italy