Lorenzo Rossi

Lorenzo Rossi

Research assistant

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Milan, Italy

Lorenzo MW Rossi is a soil ecologist that focus his research on the quantification and optimization of ecosystem services, with specialization in carbon cycle, solution design, monitoring and assessment, and modelling. He has experience in different types ecosystems, although today his research focuses on forests. He has been involved in numerous European projects and H2020 (e.g. SUPERB, RESTCOAST, TULIPS, TERRE) and private consulting as ‘lead scientist’, and has extensive experience in project management.

  • Land use changes and forest management
  • Quantification of ecosystem services provided by forests
  • Impact of disturbances on ecosystems
  • Soil health and functionality
  • Ph.D. Functional Ecology, 2019

    University of Montpellier, France

  • Ph.D. Engineering Methods, Models and Technologies

    University of Cassino, Italy

  • Master Degree in International Land and Water Management

    University of Wageningen, Netherlands