Expected deliverables

The project will produce several deliverables including land use maps, dataset on carbon sequestration and fire risk maps. Expected deliverables are:

  • D1.1 : Five-year maps and quantitative estimates of expected land cover under climate change and choice of rewilding strategy until 2060.

  • D1.2 : Rewilding potential and priority regions at EU scale.

  • D2.1 : Dataset on carbon sequestration following reforestation and proforestation.

  • D2.1 : Dynamic models for reforestation and proforestation.

  • D3.1 : Maps of burnt area and high fire risk zones at each replicated landscape.

  • D3.2 : Estimates of carbon emissions by land use class within each eco-region to project carbon changes in environmental space and over time.

  • D4.1 : Website, dissemination plan and graphic identity.

  • D4.2 : Policy brief.

  • D5.1 : Project guidebook .

  • D5.2 : Reports of the kick-off meeting and annual General assembly meetings.

Expected calendar of the project

%%{init: {'theme':'forest'}}%% gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM axisFormat %Y-%m section WP1 D1.1 :a1, 2024-07, 1M D1.2 :a2, 2025-07, 1M section WP2 D2.1 :a3, 2024-09, 1M D2.2 :a4, 2025-03, 1M section WP3 D3.1 :a5, 2025-01, 1M D3.2 :a6, 2025-05, 1M section WP4 D4.1 :a7, 2024-03, 1M D4.2 :a8, 2025-07, 1M section WP5 D5.1 :a9, 2023-12, 1M D5.2 :a10, 2024-09, 1M D5.2 :a11, 2025-09, 1M